How Gratitude helped me live a more positive life.

I remember the day I decided enough was enough as I was laying on my sofa in tears, so unhappy with my life. I never thought I would be where I am today living a much more happier and positive life, below I will share with you how gratitude helped me on my journey of selfcare and a more positive life.

I found gratitude one of the fastest ways to feel more positive, I started to take note of the things in my life that I was generally happy and grateful for rather than the lack in my life.

We’re all guilty of looking at our life’s and noticing all the things we want but don’t have. I am guilty of this, I actually done this for an extremely long time and all it did was make me feel even worse.

So one day I woke up and decided to think of all the things I was grateful for, whether it be big or small, a cup of tea, the food I was eating for breakfast/lunch/dinner, I started to feel grateful for hot water so I could have a nice hot bubble bath, the list goes on. Sometimes I notice we’re not actually grateful for something until it becomes something we HAD, this was my case when it came to my car breaking down and ending up in the garage for a few days, I honestly didn’t realise how much i relied on my car until i no longer had it.

I always felt like i didn’t have any clothes until I actually went through my wardrobe to have a clear out to realise how many clothes i actually had.

If you can try and start your day with listing 5 things your grateful for to start with, big or small you may notice a shift in your mood, it definitely helped and still helps me today.

Gratitude is just 1 of the many things that helped me personally to live a more happier and positive life and I really hope you can start your day with this and it helps you too.




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